Thursday, April 11, 2013

Goo Hoarder

So I for one, am a huge fan of Jenna Marbles.

If you do not know who she is go look her up on the youtubes......

Ok, you done now?

Anyway, in one of her videos she mentions, "Goo Hoarding"

Goo, is any beauty product that is gooey.

This includes lotions, shampoo, lip gloss/balm, and I include perfumes.

I will say right now that I, Graceless Gurl, am a Goo Hoarder.

I have about 8 or 9 bottles of lotion, about 10 different perfumes/scents, too many lip glosses to count, and endless bottles of shampoo.

Here is an exapmle of my hoarding

My friend took me to bath and body works for the first time (Which if you don't know what that is, it is a Goo hoarders worst nightmare/best dream)

I bought a lip gloss.

Not any old lip gloss, no.

This lip gloss was THE most amazing lip gloss I have ever owned, in my life.

It was $3

(On a complete side note I also bought $21 of lotions and body sprays at the same time.)

I obsessivly used it the next day, and by then it was love.

Now, one of my pet peeves is that when I find an amazing lip gloss and I finish it I can never seem to find it again, ever.

I was terrified of this happening with my new gloss.

So, the next day when I went back with my mom, because not only am I a Goo Hoarder, I like to infect other people as well. 

I bought another 2 of the same exact lip gloss.

I have no idea how I will ever use my now lifetime supply of lip gloss, but I don't regret it.

I also now feel like I went through all that time explaining it almost as if I'm trying to convince myself that it wasn't the most hoarder-ey thing I have ever done in my life.

It was

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