Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Simple Cat

I have two cats.

One is a very regal black and white girl cat, I'll post a picture here.

I also have a gray tiger boy kitten who is a year old and 14 lbs, He is the fattest cat I have ever seen that age.

I'll post a picture of him here,

As you can see there's a great difference in the two cats, I'm going to refer to them as cat 1 (The black and white one), and cat 2 (The gray tiger).

Now, cat 1 has never had another cat in the house before so when we brought cat 2 home it was a big deal.

It doesn't help that cat 2 terrorizes our cat 1 to no end.

Cat 2 seems to be missing the problem solving part of his brain.

Whenever he encounters a problem like no food or he wants to get out of a room with the door closed, he lays down and cries as loud as he can until we fix it.

He is also the laziest cat I have ever encountered.

So a while back I decided to test my suspicion that he might be a little, stupid. 

I went online and found a cat IQ test and decided to try it.

Here's how it went.


Test- Put a blanket over your cat, time how long it takes the cat to get out from under the blanket.

Result- As soon as I put the blanket over his head he started to cry, a lot. After I didn't come to his immediate rescue he decided to lay down and sleep.

Score- 0 out of 10


Test- Put laundry basket over cats head, observe the cats attempts to escape
Result- He cried, a lot. After I didn't come to his immediate rescue he lay down and went to sleep.

Score- 0 out of 10


Test- Place food underneath a clear bin, see what cat does

Result- Cat does nothing. spends five minutes laying down then walks out of the bathroom, climbs into the food bag on the washing machine, lays down and eats.

Score- Showing a little better progress so I'll give him a 2 out of 10, possibly because I don't want to see my cat fail.

So after a few more tests like this, him scoring the same on most of them, 0, I got back the final results and here they are. ( I'm copying and pasting these results straight from the website)

Your cat isn't the smartest. It relies on you to fix most of its major problems. This kind of cat will probably be friendlier because it sees you as more of a provider than other cats would. 

Your cats final result is: SIMPLE.

So my cat is simple. Don't ask me what that means, or why they felt the need to caps lock it.

He's simple.

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